Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Update: Gastroparesis... Recovering... What is the cause?

I've been so grateful for everyone's kind words and prayers these past few weeks.  I've had people asking me how I'm doing now so I thought I would post an update. I'm on two different pain meds to help me cope and function through the pain. I am taking almost all of my meds through my j tube now, which has helped them get through my system faster. I've been building my strength back so that I can begin teaching in a month. I'm able to walk longer distances than I could a few weeks ago. My body is tolerating the meds so I'm now able to drive again and have been spending a couple hours a day working in my classroom.  It's always difficult adjusting to a new normal but I'm getting there thanks to the prayers and support from all of you!

My family has been a huge support in helping me to push through the pain and get back to a state of normalcy. They were in Manti for a family reunion, which was so much fun!  I was able to go to Milky Falls with them, wrap my tubes up and go swimming, and I even attempted to play soccer with my siblings and their children. Although it was painful, it was worth it to feel alive again! 

I have been meeting with this Dr. in Salt Lake who is the only Dr. that I've had who has been willing to research and come up with crazy tests to run.  He believes that if he can figure out the reason why I have gastroparesis then he might be able to help with the symptoms.  There is one possibility that could even reverse the paralysis so my family is praying for that disease. I won't have results for about a month and will be going up north at least once a week for him to do more tests. One thing he knows now is that my body isn't absorbing iron and so I will begin weekly iron infusions this week hopefully.

My g tube was causing my stomach to cave in so I had it reassessed by radiology and learned that when my stomach spasms it causes the tube to fall in. This has been very painful so we have loosened the bolster on the tube, which they said should help prevent my stomach from caving in when my stomach spasms.
 Me rocking my hospital attire at one of my visits!

One blessing of the g tube is that I can now eat some foods because they will come out of the tube. With my family being around I tried lots of food and learned what will come out of the tube and what I had to throw up. It was nice being able to eat food, but the pain that followed made me realize that I'm not going to be trying food very often. :)

So many of you are keeping me in your prayers and I'm so grateful for that. It is exactly what I need right now. For the first time I have hope in a Dr. He's working with Mayo Clinic on possible rare autoimmune reasons for my gastroparesis.  He's also testing for some other diseases that involve the blood flowing through my stomach. If you could pray for this Dr. to be able to find answers for my family and I, I would appreciate it so much! Answers bring so much relief, whether good or bad, and I know that through prayers and faith my family and I can receive answers, peace, and the strength to get through this trial.

I know I'm not alone and that so many of you are struggling with something that seems impossible to get through as well. We can get through anything placed in our path if we turn to God, have faith in Him, and then turn to each other to help us get through. Thank you for helping me climb my mountain! 

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